Thor.2 - Dual band chest compression binder

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Perfect for gynecomastectomy.

Helps to reduce swelling and pain.

Unique nurse designed chest binder with 2 compression stages in one product.

Ideal for thoracic, plastic/cosmetic surgery, chest trauma, and other surgical interventions in the thoracic and breast area which requires compression in the postoperative recovery period.

Provides a steady pleasant support to a tender wound(s) which reduces pain from bruising and swelling, improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the surgical site to speed up healing of the wound.

Purpose designed to make it easy to accommodate drainage system(s) by closing the bands above and below the drain(s) without separating the systems to decrease the risk of infection.

Individually adjusted compression settings of the upper and lower band to conform to body shape.

Provides a supportive pressure to the respiratory muscles and ribs to reduce pain during increased internal thoracic pressures when coughing, sneezing and straining.

Provides gentle compression on the surgical area while the upper abdominal area is uncovered for non-restrictive breathing and improved comfort.

Compression is easily adjusted at the central front velcro closure for Stage 1 and Stage 2 compression settings.

Adjustable shoulder straps with front velcro closure for correct position at all times.

Convenient universal device holder (sold separately) available to attach drainage systems directly on the binder without pins or tape.

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